Emanuel Ralević, M.Div

Rođen 1977. godine u Makedoniji, gde je njegov otac 7 godina bio pastor kao misionar iz Srbije. 1980. njegovi roditelji sa četvoro dece vratili su se u Srbiju u grad Niš i osnovali Hrišćansku Baptističku crkvu, prvu evanđeosku crkvu u gradu. Emanuel je odrastao u hrišćanskoj porodici i krenuo putem svog oca budući da ga je Gospod pozvao u pastoralnu službu. Oženjen Jelenom i ima dva sina.
Kao mladić Emanuel odlučuje da stekne dublje teološko obrazovanje u skladu sa svojim pozivom:
1996/1997 European Missionary Fellowship, School of Biblical Studies, Welwyn UK
1998/1999 Internation Baptist Lay Academy, Budapest Hungary
2001/2004 Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp, Holland
Od 2004. godine Emanuel je uključen u punovremenu pastoralnu službu u Hrišćanskoj Baptističkoj crkvi, u Nišu.
Od 2014. godine Emanuel kao jedan od osnivača Balkanskog teološkog fakulteta u Nišu, vodi fakultet kao Dekan i Generalni sekretar i koordinira misijski rad na jugu Srbije.
Emanuel predaje NZ predmet „Uvod u Novi Zevet“.
Hrišćanska Baptistička crkva i Balkanski Teološki Fakultet rade pod Savezom hrišćanskih Baptističkih crkava u Srbiji i kao član odbora Emanuel blisko sarađuje sa Evanđeoskim Protestantskim savezom Srbije čiji je i član.

Born in 1977 in Macedonia where his father was a pastor for 7 years sent as a missionary from Serbia. In 1980 his parents with 4 children moved back to Serbia to a city of Nis, south Serbia and started Chirstian Baptist Church, first evangelical church in the city. Emanuel grew up in a Christian family and followed the path of his father being called by the Lord into pastoral ministry. Married to Jelena and have two sons.
As a young man Emanuel decides to gain deeper theological education in accordance with his calling:
1996/1997 European Missionary Fellowship, School of Biblical Studies, Welwyn UK
1998/1999 Internation Baptist Lay Academy, Budapest Hungary
2001/2004 Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp, Holland
Since 2004 Emanuel is full time involved in Pastoral ministry at Christain Baptist Church in Serbia, Niš.
Since 2014 Emanuel being one the founders of Balkan Theological Seminary in Niš, leads the seminary as Dean& General Secretary and coordinates its Mission work in South Serbia. Emanuel is teaching NT course „Introduction to the New Testament“.
Christian Baptist church and Balkan Theological Seminary runs underUnion of Christian Baptist Churches in Serbia and as Union's board member Emanuel works closely with Evangelical Protestant Alliance of Serbia as its member.